There are about 20 people in the room. 15 men and 6 women. The men are variously lined up, fucking or being blown to keep them hard. At the far end, a seated woman has one arm around a guy, the other using a vibrator. Round the corner of the room an asian man frantically fucks Aella, who is held down by two men she knows. The man pulls away. My small role is to inspect the couple then shout to the room:
"The count is 14!"
Aella's gangbang was raw, filthy yet pragmatic. Most play parties I go to have a slow build of consent circles and flirting games into an extended period of cuddling and perhaps, sex. This one had 45 men, some ground rules and Aella’s consent, then her being dragged off and fucked by most present. It was a lot.
The event was carefully planned. Aella wanted to be fucked by one man for each year of her life (32). I'm told 1500 people applied and even after intense filtering, several women were required for interviews. There were a large batch of STI tests to do.
The event has security. Aella has several stalkers and one who attempted to murder her. Given that, there is something undeniably steadfast about still inviting 40 dudes you don't know to fuck you. There are two (very chill) security guards and every guy is asked to strip and given a bathrobe that says “I went to the Aella bday gangbang and all I got was this bathrobe and also to fuck a pornstar” on the back.
After getting through security I walk into the house. And step in front of 8 gorgeous women in various states of undress. Standing in front of them has a physical effect. A part of me never really left high school and it feels like being paraded in front of the hot girls, except this time I am about to be naked. Aella expresses nervous excitement. We are as scared of her as she is of us.
There were not many super alpha guys at this event. Most were handsome enough, confident and chill. But they weren’t arrogant or brittle - the median man wasn't huge or gorgeous, for instance. I wonder if it is because:
being top in anything makes you less likely to be top in other things. the most handsome men are less likely to be the kinkiest (though they could be correlated, right?)
this event is sort of cringe, risky. If your whole think was about self-image this might be one to miss, for self preservation reasons
Slowly the event fills up. The organisers were planning for a third of people not to show, but everyone on the list does1. The guys are relaxed, though we perhaps surround the girls a bit too much. I am nervous, horny and excited.
We go outside and the organisers give the ground rules: Any vaginal sex with condom is fine for Aella, but any other women need to be specifically asked. No kissing, (it adds a load of risk). Use tonnes of lube and a new condom for every sex act. Aella will struggle but that’s okay. Here are her safewords. Some attendees don’t want blow jobs and have bands to signal that. There are about 45 men and 4 hours to have sex in so the average sex needs to be about 3 minutes. One guy shouts "I'm your man" and the crowd laughs the deep filthy laugh of a group of lechers.
Aella speaks briefly, explicitly consenting. She is pale in the full moon. She is shepherded into the house and then, yes, dragged into the bedroom. It sort of doesn't matter how much she has consented or how careful the men are clearly being, she is struggling and it affects me. Rituals matter. Though not that much.
So the first guy gets up and begins to fuck. If I understand correctly, he is a virgin which.. yeah. I remember losing my virginity as a pretty vulnerable experience, stressful because of its importance. I don't know if a 3 minute shag with Aella would be better or worse. I note something down, honestly it's a blur.
There is a line now, with some of the other women fluffing - getting dicks hard - before they go to Aella. Hard dicks turn out to be the main bottleneck of the evening. Many men, myself included, cannot get or keep erections at the critical moment and sometimes her ladyship is left without anything to do.
For me the next hour is surrealist data collection. I know one of the organisers and am trusted enough to have "a role". In this case I am sexy data scientist. I have a clipboard and note whether the men cum or 2. Then I direct the men to a sexy nurse, who gives a gold star to those who did cum and a blue one to those who didn't. They can now cum in the other women, if they wish.
They then sign the guestbook.
This is the event then, 1 part heavy organisation, one part goofiness, one part unadulterated horniness. Aella’s wellbeing is taken very seriously, with only men she trusts holding her down and care taken about her joints. I am standing here with gold stars and a clipboard. But as I variously note down ‘the count’, my own horniness slowly builds - wherever I look is a cock or a couple having sex. Glance at almost any man and he has an erection or an idle hand on his dick. I can’t distract myself, there is only sex, unsophisticated sex, but still squeezing in through every pore, making my hands twitch.
After 45 minutes we take the first break, with 9 cummers and 6 non. I sit and snuggle with one of the fluffers, which will be the erotic high point of the evening for me. I can't orgasm, because I've not hooked up with Aella, I can't kiss this the woman next to me. But it's just great.
The party continues for a bit, with some of the energy shifting to the other sex room where post-Aella men can hook up with anyone willing. One of the fluffers wishes to try and match Aella's bodycount so often yells for new men like some mediaeval King. At one point I see another woman, small and quiet when I talked to her, with her stockinged legs in the air, a huge cock going in and out of her, the rest of her body blocked from my view by male bodies.
Cock size is pretty interesting. I have always considered myself to have a very medium-sized penis, but this evening is an encouragement. Seeing the actual normal distribution leaves me feeling more secure in myself. There are a few small ones and a few monsters but most are about the same as mine. I doubt I'll feel the need to awkwardly self-deprecate about it again. As one well-endowed individual steps onto the bed, the guys holding Aella laugh and she, unable to see, asks "what?". She soon learns what that particular rumble is a sign of.
We're through the second break now and the count is at 30. There are only seven willing men left (I haven’t been tracking the others) so soon it's my turn. This is fairly stressful. I've been hard (and not) across the evening and I find Aella attractive, but suddenly I'm forced to step up. I'm a mix of excited and resigned.
I won't dwell on the sex itself which, even at this event, feels private. But it's strange to have sex that is so built up and yet so brief, the ultimate private interpersonal act as a public spectacle. As I finish I wonder how it was for her, but before I can ask, I am handed a sharpie, add a tally to her leg, and motioned to roll off. Then another guy gets on the bed. The count is 33, 'the age Jesus died' my brain supplies.
And so the event draws to a close. There is a reasonable amount more fucking, some hot tubbing, then a group photo and tidy up. I get some contact details for girls and guys.
Probably if you read this you already know what you think. And probably there is a lot you are right about. It was sexy. It was trashy. It was overwhelming, underwhelming and whelming-adjacent. It was unique, chaotic and terrifyingly well-organised. I think Aella had a great time. I enjoyed it a lot. You might not have. I am not tempted to do it again soon.
At the close of the night Aella has fucked 37 (I think) men and had sex perhaps 50 times in all. She enters the main room to cheers and hooting. We are impressed. She looks great. She is surrounded by her friends who spent 100s of hours organising this for her. I feel a connection to all present. Our friend had a hard sexy task and she’s done it.
Now to fill out the exit survey. Aella will be Aella.
If you like this, tell me. Maybe I’ll write more.
According to Aella’s article there was 1 dropout, but it seems more useful to record my recollection.
Well done, so to speak. Thanks for the chronicle!
good writing, clear and human